Are you satisfied with your performance in the exam?

I think I could do it better in the reading section, I didn't know the meaning of some words and phrasal verbs.

What is your weakest area?

My weakest area is reading

What is your strongest area?

My strongest area is writing(grammar)

How can you reinforce the four skills during the course?

Listening:  Watch movies, series or Youtube videos in english, at least twice a week or on weekends without subtitles

Reading: Read short tales in english on internet according to my english level and search the meaning of unknown words, once a week.

Speaking Record myself speaking and listen to native speakers so I can compare pronunciation, try to learn more phrasal verbs by reading articles or listening to music in english everyday, specially on weekends

Writing Practice writing simple things as how was my day, what did I do and try to be conscise, including new vocabulary words, doing research of grammar structures in need and read news daily so I can learn new words 
